Product: Lumen

Guided Nutrition Plan

This is the story of the creation of a guided nutrition experience for Lumen users. It covers the design process and decisions that were made over the past 10 months as well as some other features that became a part of the experience.

  • UX Design

  • UI Design

  • Prototyping

  • Animation & Interactions

My role - Lead product designer

The product

Lumen is the world’s first hand-held, portable device to measure metabolism through the breath. Lumen tracks, analyzes and shows you how to improve your metabolic health. It indicates the type of fuel your body is using to produce energy and helps to understand how your metabolism functions while providing insights on how to improve it.

The Why

Users are getting a daily nutrition plan that is created according to their morning breath to Lumen device. They’re getting the plan in the form of macros (Carbs, Protein, Fat). Users don’t understand how to follow their plan or how to convert their daily macros to real foods. Data shows that this is the main reason for refunds.

We started with talking with our users. We researched two main groups of users the ones that are using Lumen for a long time (6 months+) and the ones that are new to the product (1-3 weeks). We divided users problems in to two main themes.

  • Don’t understand how to count macros

  • Don’t feel guided

  • Recommendations don't fit users lifestyle -making it hard to follow the plan

User problems - What should I do today?

User problems - How should I apply?

  • Users only know complicated meals that require a lot of ingredients and preparation

  • Don’t have inspiration of what foods they should eat

  • Don’t understand how to convert macros to real foods



Give users an easy way to report back what they ate so they will get a more personolized nutrition plan.


Create a journey experience for the users to give them a sense of progression and providing them with an understanding of their accomplishments.

Create two modes for the nutrition plan for users to choose from.

Carb mode - Focus on the carbs macro in the nutrition plan to make following the plan easier. The carbs are the most important of the 3 macros for weight lose (most of our users goals).
Macro mode - For more advanced/old users to follow all macros.

Initial assumptions and solutions


Create easy to make combos with everyday foods that the users can get inspiration from.


Give users the possibility to create their own combo with recommended healthy food options while educating them about the different foods.

The approach

Create the first version of the experience fast while using as much as possible the components of our design system for testing our assumptions and solutions.

KPIs to test

  • Impact retention week 2 - From 78% to 82%

  • Reduce refunds due to “too much effort to log food” - from 12% to 8%

  • Reduce refunds due to “My nutrition plan doesn't suit me” - from 15% to 10%

  • Number of users that log food - from 40% to 60%

Initial design & prototype

Nutrition plan page (new carb mode)

Carb history to show the user his journey

Simple carb logger for user to report with ease

High level education for the day

Daily meals with recommended carb distribution

Main flow 1 - Discover a combo and log it to your day

Main flow 2 - Create your own combo



Previous knowledge

People are NOT robots

Looks pretty = tastes good

We understood that most of our users even if they are new to the product have previous general knowladge of nutrition and therefor when we removed all the macros from the main view of the plan it made them stress and think they are missing something.

Most of our testers liked the combos we proposed to them. They thought that its a great way to help them reach their nutrition goals. But they all wanted to edit the combos, some wanted to edit the amount of the ingredients and other the ingredients them selfs.

As we predicted creating a quick design and prototype is not enough. Most users wanted the combos and the general UI be more visually appealing.

Key conclusions

Testing our assumptions

Task flow #1

Task flow #2

I created the prototypes for the two main user flows and started testing with our users. We mainly focused on new users that only just started using the product because our new carb mode was mainly for newbie users that don’t have enough knowledge in nutrition. Plus they won’t have any bias for the old experience. (group of 10 users)

Find a food combo that you like and log it to your day.

Create your own food combo while using Legumes as your carb source.

User #1

BMI: 31

Age: 55

Time with Lumen: 2 weeks

Likes the recommended carb amount for each meal

Doesn't understand the “+” and “-” thinks it will add more macros to her day

Understand the previous day swipe but doesn't understand the difference in color

Asked where are all the macros

User #2

BMI: 20

Age: 62

Time with Lumen: 3 weeks

Likes the recommended carb amount for each meal

Wants to see precise grams amount for logging

Want to filter the different combos by her food preferences

Wants to see recommendation for all macros

User #3

BMI: 35

Age: 48

Time with Lumen: 3 weeks

Wants more visualisation of the combos

Wanted to edit the quantities of different foods

Doesn’t understand the counter of the carbs

Liked the guidance around when to eat your carbs

Likes macro mode better

User #4

BMI: 31

Age: 50

Time with Lumen: 4 weeks

Takes too much time to build your own combo

Thinks some of the foods combinations are wierd

Expected to see all macros

Wants to use ingredients she has in her fridge


Introduce a new primary tab within the app dedicated exclusively to all aspects of nutrition. This tab will serve as a comprehensive hub for all information and action regarding nutrition.

Give more focus to carbs because it’s the main macro for loosing weight but show all macros and give recommendations to them as well.

After a lot of discussions we decided to make the Grams mode the default one not to stress new and existing users with portions they don't understand. But decided to promote the portions mode as well to see if it will make our users life easier.

Make two modes for the nutrition plan
Portions mode: Use portions for less precision and easier following. Mostly for new users
Grams mode: More precise, everything to the grams. Mostly for experienced users that tracked food before in other apps and products.

Part one - Main page

Part two - Planing

Part three - Tracking

Main app page

Nutrition tab

Combo page - Version 1

Before morning measurement

Date plan last updated

CTA to do a morning measurement to update the plan

High level guidance for the day type

Macros for the day and their amount

New nutrition tab

Plan updated for today

New nutrition tab

After morning measurement

A quick guide for common foods and how to count them in portions for all macros

Portions mode


Recommendation when to eat your daily carbs amount

Combos for each meal type in the day

Food combo with all the macros and a possibility to save to the favourite library

Portions mode

Portions mode

Portions mode


Indication for users journey and a quick overview of how the week went

Users can log a meal to track their progress.

Tracking of users macros

Progress indication of daily nutrition plan

In the first version of this page there are still no way to edit the ingredients or their quantities. We wanted to go live with the feature and start seeing the impact and collect more data.
We had big ideas for the combo editing experience and we knew we need more time to make it perfect.


Users can change the meal type if they ate the combo for a different meal then recommended, and they can change the meal time

Add combo to favourites

Visually appealing food picture

Users get educated about which macro is every specific food

Ability to quickly report that the user ate this combo

We created a first time experience for users introducing the new Guided Nutrition Plan in the form of a walkthrough.
We divided the walkthrough to three main steps explaining the core elements of the feature.

Guided experience

We already had the possibility to log individual food in the app. We connected it to the new experience

Food log

Our new food combos hand crafted by the Nutrition team to have healthy ingredients


Another feature that we already had that lets you log macros manually

Macro logger

Main flows

There are 3 main ways to report to Lumen what you ate to get a more personalised nutrition plan.

Logging a combo

Logging individual foods

Logging macros

Users have different lifestyles, not all of them can follow our recommendation precisely everyday. We wanted to give them more freedom and customisation of their day so we created the possibility to edit the daily carb distribution.

Editing carb distribution

Not everyone eat the same amount of meals. Some don't eat breakfast some don’t snack. Another feature meant to help users follow their plan without changing drastically their whole lifestyle.

See all daily combos

Managing daily meals

Using AI

To have all the freedom of creating any food combination and not dealing with production times and costs I used Midjourney Ai to create all of the food combo photos.

Nutrition history

First time experience

Key features along the way

Thorough out the process of this project we understood a lot of users needs through iterations and testing. It made us add some key features to the guided experience

  • Give users a sense of journey

  • Ability to edit past data

  • Motivate users to log food


  • Increase % of users food logging

  • Decrease CS tickets about editing viewing past data


We used our product personas to create an empathy map for understanding better our users needs and motivations.

Something we understood early on from our research we have to give users the freedom to edit our combos and help them make them their own.

Editing food combos

Combo page - Version 2

To empthesize our solutions for users needs regarding editing the combos we changed the design of the combo page

Emphasize the editing option

Macro tags in the same language as macros at the top

Component of ingredient and quantity same as in the food log

All secondary actions and favorite option goes in the top nav bar

Ingredient page

Recommended amount for users to always knows what quantity Lumen recommended

Changing the amount and the units of the ingredient. (Component used in the food log)

Four healthy alternatives for the ingredient with amounts base on the original recommendation

If the user doesn’t want or doesn’t have the ingredient he can remove it from the combo


Give users guidance with feedback so they understand how their decisions impact their nutrition.

Give users healthy food alternatives that are suited for their daily macro amount.

The empathy map helped us understand that there are two main needs

Editing ingredient quantities

Editing the foods of the combo

Substitute ingredient

Edit quantity

Removing ingredient

Editing combo flows


We tested the new guided experience first of all with our Beta community (200 users). After we saw good feedback from our testers we released the feature gradually to all of our users. This are the insights we got after 2 months from the release.

Retention week 2



App open rate

times a day

times a day



Refund reductions



Due to “too much effort to log food”

Refund reductions



Due to “My nutrition plan doesn't suit me”

Looking forward

Giving users the possibility to create there own food combo. The challenge is going to give guidance without judging users on their food choices

Create your own combo

We are developing a smart engine that will learn from our alternatives feature and suggest to users new combination of food base on their choices.

Create an even more personalised experience

One of our main KPIs was increasing the number of users that log food. That number have yet to move. The assumption is that users have to many unconnected tools to log food.

Improve the logging experience

Check out another project

Let’s Talk

Feel free to reach out for work or just to say hello

Part one - Main page

Part two - Planing

Part three - Tracking

Main flows

There are 3 main ways to report to Lumen what you ate to get a more personalised nutrition plan.

Our new food combos hand crafted by the Nutrition team to have healthy ingredients


Logging a combo

We already had the possibility to log individual food in the app. We connected it to the new experience

Food log

Logging individual foods

Another feature that we already had that lets you log macros manually

Macro logger

Logging macros

Users have different lifestyles, not all of them can follow our recommendation precisely everyday. We wanted to give them more freedom and customisation of their day so we created the possibility to edit the daily carb distribution.

Editing carb distribution

Not everyone eat the same amount of meals. Some don't eat breakfast some don’t snack. Another feature meant to help users follow their plan without changing drastically their whole lifestyle.

Managing daily meals

See all daily combos

Key features along the way

Thorough out the process of this project we understood a lot of users needs through iterations and testing. It made us add some key features to the guided experience

Nutrition history

First time experience

  • Give users a sense of journey

  • Ability to edit past data

  • Motivate users to log food


  • Increase % of users food logging

  • Decrease CS tickets about editing viewing past data


Substitute ingredient

Editing combo flows

Edit quantity

Removing ingredient

go Insurance

Membership Flows

Check out another project

Let’s Talk

Feel free to reach out for work or just to say hello